Monday, 25 January 2010

I had lunch today.....

...with a fellow blogger.

It was great. Yep, Christina of Lucrative Pain, fellow massage therapist is great and I know we're going to be good friends.

How cool is that?
We "met" through each others blogs and now we're having chin wags over lunch.

Makes me glad for blogging!


  1. This is awesome. I cant say enough about how wonderful everyone in the Massage COmmunity has been so far, and I am so glad I've met (at least online) so many of you. I hope the trend stays this way.
    Maybe I can come back over from Scotland some time and we can attend a CE class together :)

  2. It was wonderful to spend real "face" time with you, and I was honored to also meet Artie in the flesh! We'll have to do it again sometime soon. :)
